Sunday, January 26, 2020

Deforestation Cause and Effects

Deforestation Cause and Effects Modern predictions and indicators paint a bleak outlook for the planet and unfortunately it is all due to human actions. Deforestation and the spread of barren, arid and useless land is increasing in pace and we are the only ones who can call it to a halt. The questions that need answering quickly before it is too late are how and when. When is obvious, unless we act immediately we will be too late, how is less clear but unless we find the answers soon then we could find ourselves left with nothing but a arid infertile desert of a planet and sooner than you might think. Perhaps we can blame the men who cut down or burn huge swathes of forest and watch the animals flee to die of starvation after their home and food supply has been destroyed, or those who profit from their actions. Only someone who was insane would do such a thing surely? You certainly wouldnt want to be associated with those that were involved in such wholesale destruction and slaughter and certainly wouldnt be involved yourself, right? Deforestation for Profit Forests contain many valuable natural resources and the land they cover is also valuable to an ever-increasing human population. People have been making use of these resources ever since we first appeared. Deforestation is a way of making a living, the timber can be sold, and the land can be used for growing crops or grazing herds or to provide land for homes and businesses. Why is this allowed to happen? Those people that are entrusted by us with the planet are those who are destroying it. Governments give permits and licenses to those who have the money to buy them they then strip the land and make their money. The governments are often poor and the land is more valuable to large corporations than used for conservation and tourism. But these governments are selling off the planets life support system and that cannot continue. We may be frustrated in the face of such insurmountable obstacles but we can challenge these large corporations by refusing to buy their products and lobby governments to protect forested areas. If enough people say no then they will be forced to act. The planet has been entrusted to all of us and it is up to us to save it even now at the 11th hour it isnt too late. Even small actions if done by enough people add up to a massive effect. Reversing Deforestation Nature on the whole is resilient and bounces back extremely fast if given the chance. However forests are slow to re grow and mature. Once the soil has been eroded it could take centuries for it to build up again and start supporting anywhere near the diversity of life it once did. Millions of species have been wiped out never to be seen again in fact most were never seen by human eyes before being driven to extinction. This does not mean we should not try to protect and restore these amazing and diverse habitats, which do so much for us and ask only to be left to exist in return. What is Deforestation? In recent times, mankind has felt the wrath of nature. More and more natural disasters are taking place due to human induced climate change. This has lead to an increasing awareness of our impact on the planet we call home and its natural resources. Forests are some of our most abused habitats due to the fact that wood is a raw material with a wide range of uses and fill virtually al of our basic needs particularly food, fuel and shelter. Another important influencing factor for deforestation is the need for more land, so forests are cleared to make way for industrial development, housing or agriculture (either livestock or crops) or even a dump. By Definition Deforestation is the clearing or removal of trees from an area of woodland or forest for many differing reason usually commercial. Deforestation usually doesnt apply to cases where the trees are replaced, usually as saplings, in the same or alternative location in order to replace those that were cut down. Also usually refers to large scale clearing of whole areas rather than limited or selective clearing. Man has cut down trees since we first appeared, changing and adapting the environment to suit our needs in order to provide the things we require to live successfully. For kindling, shelter, weapons and in more modern times paper, furniture and housing. Thousands upon thousands of acres of forest have disappeared worldwide to fill our insatiable appetite for wood and land, yet they also have to meet the demands of the vast majority of the worlds other species both plant and animal. Raising Consciousness Humans are roused to action when an issue directly affects them. This is undoubtedly the reason people are more aware than ever of the effects of deforestation as more and more people become affected by climate change and extreme weather events. It is these effects that are the most effective way of showing people the benefits forests provide and why it is so vital the little we have left be protected at all costs. The depletion of the forests has a number of detrimental effects on the environment and climate. There are two main thrusts to this argument. The first is the environmental services that forests provide such as maintaining our atmosphere and slowing global warming and protecting us from floods. The second is the need to ensure a reliable and sustainable supply of natural resources. I.e. if they are being used and managed properly and ensuring reforestation occurs. First the environmental benefits forests help maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. The trees ability to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and trap it is our most important weapon in the battle against climate change. Cutting down and burning trees releases the green house gas back into the atmosphere worsening the problem. It is these green house gases that are causing global warming and extreme weather events. In many cases the timber is simply burned to clear the land quickly which is the worst possible thing to do especially when it could be put to good use providing for those who might be in need of it. Finally woodland traps water and act as sponges when water levels are high reducing the chances of flooding. Why does Deforestation Happen? We are now learning the consequences of trying to battle against nature, yet change is slow and we are still abusing the natural world. With our knowledge we should be doing all we can to stop further deforestation so why does deforestation continue despite the harm we know it does to the environment and thus ourselves? The answers are not straightforward but undoubtedly lie with us and our desperate need for the resources the forest provides. The needs of a massive human population have to be met daily putting the natural world under enormous pressure. We constantly look for new ways to get what we need faster and more efficiently. But the more efficiently we exploit nature the quicker natural resources are used up and disappear. This leads to new ways of getting what we need or finding new resources to exploit depleting the natural world even faster, its a vicious cycle that leads to the devastation of our beautiful planet. The Global Man Made Phenomenon Man has been clearing woodland since ancient times but it is recently in the last century that the worlds forests and rainforests have been dramatically reduced shrinking in size year on year at an ever more furious pace. Until fairly recently there was little real opposition from the public or government as the seemed to be no real viable alternatives and so it continues to this day. Land is a finite commodity in a world with an ever-growing human population. Developed land is worth far more than forest so the forest is clear to make way for large-scale development and agriculture. Wood is unfortunately worth nothing standing growing in a forest but far more as a piece of paper, furniture or even a house. Profit driven by the high demand for these resources is the reason these forests are disappearing. There are many resources which can be gathered from the forest such as food and medicines though the main product is wood which has a wide variety of uses from paper to a building material and even as a fuel. With lumber having such a number of uses and a strong demand then it should have a strong impact on economic growth. But forest values are actually falling, a surprising trend given that forests are fast disappearing and mans propensity towards exploiting limited resources for profit. Why Does Deforestation Result in Devastation? Experts dont see deforestation as an all-bad thing as long as it is done in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable way. It is a matter of careful controlling how and where you clear areas of forest. A small area of clearing provides opportunities for opportunistic species and is quickly recolonized and breaks in the canopy quickly filled. Large areas take longer to recolonise and separate areas of forest previously joined. They also allow the wind and rain to erode the soil making recolonization by forest plants much harder. Rain forests typically have very thin soil which is held in place by the roots of the giant trees and with out which quickly disappears. Wildlife that lives in the forest cannot survive in the open and so has to retreat with the forest or if it cannot die. Under the canopy is a moist dank warm environment as the plants trap the heat and moisture from escaping, without these very specific conditions, which exist in few other places many species are unable to survive. So who is the culprit? You we all play a part in deforestation to a lesser or greater degree though the choices we make when shopping daily. We cant point the blame solely on governments and big corporations though they certainly play a big part but it is our willingness to block out the knowledge of where the things we buy come from and how they are produced that means they can carry on destroying the earth and it is unlikely to stop until we make it with our consumer choices. Effects of Deforestation Humans have always and probably always will depended on forests to a lesser or greater degree. Trees provide food, shelter from the elements and predators not just to humans but the vast majority of life on land. Unfortunately the forests resources and appeal is its downfall. Deforestation is probably one of the greatest challenges we face. We need the forests to maintain the atmosphere alongside the burning of fossil fuels our destruction of the forests is a major contributory factor to the rising levels of carbon dioxide and global warming, the effects of which we are only now beginning to feel. Large-scale deforestation for agricultural and industrial purposes transforms rich and diverse habitat in barren arid land. The resources are quickly repeated and another massive are of forest has to be destroyed to provide yet more. The damage to the land and soil has been done and little can grow on these areas once they have been finished with. Deforestation needs to be stopped before we end up with a planet that is little more than an arid wasteland incapable of supporting life. Effects of Deforestation on the Environment Rainforests are the richest and most diverse areas on the planet and are home to the vast majority of the worlds species, many yet to be seen or classified by science. Any one can wander into a rainforest and will fairly quickly discover a new species. This biodiversity took many millions of years to evolve and can be destroyed with the swipe of a powerful saw. There is no possibility of getting back the estimated 50,000 species that go extinct every year a that is increasing. The chance to explore this forest world is disappearing fast and wont come again once its gone, a chance future generations wont thank us for denying them. Not only are countless species being lost but also the chance to increase or knowledge of the world, chemicals and medicines unknown to science are out waiting to be discovered. The preservation of the rainforest also means the chance to explore these opportunities and make new discoveries and advance human knowledge. Effects of Deforestation on Society The indigenous people, whose home and way of life is turned upside down by the arrival of the lumber lorries, will feel much of the effects of deforestation. They survive by living in harmony with the forest and its inhabitants but are often forced to leave or change their way of living in order to survive. This displacement of people and the consequent loss of that culture makes the human race a little poorer. Those that live on the edges of the forest are also affected, as they can no longer gather resources from it for themselves. These people are unused to living in towns and cities a totally alien culture and are unlikely to have the money, skills or education to make a decent living having learned to live off the land. Nature cannot be completely replaced by our own efforts even after all our recent advances in technology she does it better than us. Nature serves us in far better ways than the best designed structures and industry, yet we treat her with nothing but contempt and unless we stop the consequences will be dire. Deforestation and Climate Change Throughout history forests have spread and retreated as the environment changed now they are fast disappearing. They shelter the vast majority of land animals and hold most of the land biodiversity. These beautiful and complex ecosystems are essential to the environment and help to regulate the atmosphere. Hence deforestation and climate change are closely connected and have the ability to control one another. Unfortunately the forests, which should be our first line of defense against rising carbon dioxide levels, are vanishing rapidly. 80% of our previously forested areas are gone drastically reducing the planets ability to absorb carbon dioxide and contributing to the high levels of the green house gas by releasing it after being cut down making the situation worse. The fact that deforestation can further affect the atmosphere should stir us into action to prevent any further reduction in the worlds forests. We will just be adding to the devastating effects of climate change if we dont take action to stop further deforestation. Major Carbon Storehouses It has become increasingly apparent that forests play a vital role in climate control by storing carbon and water and recycling it. It is a fact that the destruction of green areas is a contributory factor in climate change and eliminates their ability to regulate the climate. It has been estimate the 18% of all carbon emissions come from deforestation and we are effectively turning our prize weapon against global warming against ourselves instead. Mature forests are the largest stores of carbon dioxide though all plants store carbon. Other stores include the soil, vegetation frozen underneath the arctic permafrost even the algae in the sea. The world largest forests such as the Amazon represent our largest carbon stores, its destruction would undoubted lead to quick and devastating climate change. Carbon is released from plant life through burning and natural decay. Burning releases the carbon much faster and more efficiently than natural decay or rotting. If left to nature plants will rot slowly especially large trees and the carbon is often buried and the carbon trapped below ground where it slowly fossilizes to produce various compounds depending upon the conditions ranging from diamonds to fossil fuels over many millennia. This whole process traps the carbon and prevents it entering the atmosphere. Deforestation prevents this natural process from taking pace. Climate Change A combination of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels releasing much larger amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than would occur naturally whilst simultaneously disabling the planets ability to absorb and cope with this influx in green house gases has lead to the current climate changes and noticeable global warming. The main effects of climate change have been a rise in temperature throughout the year leading to widespread environmental change species moving their ranges further north to follow the increase in temperature. Melting of the polar ice caps leads to a reduction in range for polar species. A consequent rise in sea levels leads to flooding of low lying land. More violent and extreme weather systems lead to the devastation of affected areas and causing huge loss of life. This isnt a prediction of what will happen in the future its happening now and maybe irreversible already. So now an immediate damage limitation exercise need to take place to ensure the climate doesnt get out of control this has to involve the protection and restoration of the worlds forests. Effects of deforestation. Retrieved Feb 15, 2010, from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Analysis of Urban Composition using Space Syntax and Computer Techniques

A esteemed axiom from Winston Churchill goes that people shape edifices, and so edifices transform people. The affects from edifices, or more specifically, from the built environment to people is widely-belive in the thought of architectural and urban forms. It has led to some phantasies that trying to reform society by bettering design, such as the Claude-Nicholas Ledoux’s thought of â€Å"cites ideales† in 18Thursdaycentury and the thought of â€Å"reforming the environment alternatively of reforming the people. Peoples could alter themselves if the environment bend to be correct† by Buckminster Fuller in the sixtiess. The overtures to polish the interior relationship between built environment and societal life are truly uncommon apart from above. Under this circumstance, infinite sentence structure, a theory started twenty old ages ago which seting forward by Hillier and Hanson ( 1984 ) , being developed at the Laboratory of University College London and globally distribute over the old ages. Space sentence structure is to analyze the urban composing by utilizing computing machine techniques. In the words of Hillier et Al, infinite sentence structure is a group of techniques which contains the comprehensive cognition of some facets in edifices and colonies, such as quantitative analysis, representation and spacial constellation account. As a broadly definition of constellation, on one manus, it should see one tierce of the relation between two infinites at least, on the other manus, it should see complex dealingss among all infinites at most. Hence, spacial constellation is far more than merely a simple thought of spacial relation and demand to mention non merely a brace of related infinites ( 1987, p.363 ) . Harmonizing to Hillier ( 1984 ) , the 1 who made a breakthrough beyond others, in that infinite sentence structure had by now developed a precise method to depict topological dealingss, locally and globally at one time, in one graph, for edifice and colonies, as a social-spatial issue, with a witting theory about a deep construction in societal infinite in the built environment, in the original signifier of infinite sentence structure, it chiefly emphasized urban forms of the motion of prosaic. It was subsequently generalized to a figure of other countries, such as urban conveyance mold, calculating the grade of air pollution, measuring different vicinities burglaries occurred, and gauging the possibility of development of retail around the streets. In the work of â€Å"Space sentence structure: a different urban perspective† ( 1984 ) , Hillier mentioned three different facets. The intelligibility of infinite, the continuity of business and the predictability of infinite. He thought the spacial organisation of urban countries affects forms of motion and usage harmonizing to good defined rules. And he went on presenting how infinite sentence structure works. It is based on a dweller or a human organic structure in a local point, sing two points, visibleness and the permeableness and doing two waies, the longest axial line and the smallest bulging infinite to develop two maps, axial map and convex map, for urban colonies or edifices. In this manner of analysis, every point in the system has both a one- and two- dimensional facet which means every point has a local and planetary dimension. Now allow us concentrate on most widely used technique of infinite sentence structure in urban analysis, the axial map. Harmonizing to Hillier, in order to understand the â€Å"axial map† , the significance of â€Å"axial lines† and the word â€Å"integration† should be understand clearly. â€Å"Axial line† is basic elements of infinite sentence structure analysis, which is from unconditioned two human inherent aptitudes, visibleness and permeableness. ‘Axial line’ represents the lower limit and longest ocular line associating the different ‘convex space’ . The word â€Å"integration† is initial of import in infinite sentence structure. To explicate it, the construct of deepness should be known first. Take the five different plane types in Figure 1 ( from left to compensate 1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-1-3, 1-1-4, 1-1-5 ) for illustration, each program consists of three indoor infinites and an out-of-door infinite O. The Justified Graph , which show the relation between out-of-door infinite O and the remainder of infinites, is shown blew each program. The syntactic characteristics of infinites of five different program could be discerned from the Justified Graph. Comparing with F1-1-5 ( F= figure ) , F1-1-1 is a deep sentence structure. Therefore, F1-1-5 is a shallow sentence structure. However, F1-1-1 and F1-1-5 are deep tree sentence structure when comparing with F1-1-2 and 1-1-3. And F1-1-2 and F1-1-3 are two different deep ring sentence structure. Besides, F1-1-4 is a sentence structure between shallow tree sentence structure and shallow ring sentence structure. From the Justified Graph, convenient grade of different convex infinite could be easy shown. In F1-1-2, bulging infinite b2 locates on a deeper and less convenient topographic point comparing with a2 and c2. Although b4 locates on a shallow place, the convenient degree is inferior to infinite O. Because it is two justified stairss off from c4. However, c4 is the most inconvenient topographic point of the system, which is two justified stairss to a4 and b4. It should be noticed that the â€Å"deep† , â€Å"shallow† and â€Å"step† being discussed donnot stand for the existent distance. It is a construct of morphological. â€Å"Deep† and â€Å"shallow† merely show the degree of artworks and â€Å"step† means the figure of infinites from one convex infinite to another in the artworks. The value of integrating of a line linked to its deepness to other lines in one system. To be more specific, the integrating value in infinite sentence structure means how good of the system integrated, how good the elements within the system connect with each other. The most incorporate systems are those with shallowest lines on norm, and the most detached are those with deepest lines ( Hillier et al, 1993, page 35 ) . Integration is the chief portion of the analysis of axial map. The motion of people strongly depend on the integrating value of each line. Integration values play a important function in understanding the map of urban systems in line maps since it result in that the Numberss of motion which pass down each line has a high grade of influence by its integrating value. From some of the point of view, infinite sentence structure is to widen the construct of web analysis to architecture design and urban planning. Its prognosis of motion is controversial. However, the map of infinite sentence structure can non be negated. To be more thorough, I read the book of â€Å"Space is a machine† , anther one written by Bill Hillier. In this subdivision some reappraisals of this book will be illustrated. 1. The position of â€Å"configuration† In the debut at the beginning, Bill Hillier stated that the most critical consequence in these surveies is the construct of â€Å"configuration† bit by bit enter into the centre of the phase. In short, the â€Å"configuration† is intended as a set of relationships. Each of them depends on all others’ association with it. New techniques of spacial analysis have been developed from these, which brings the spacial logic of architecture and urban to visible radiation. What is more, it besides quantifies a truth of the cardinal point being â€Å"how to form things together. Similar with the word â€Å"pattern† , constellation stress the overall construct of complex systems instead than partial. However, we do non utilize the word â€Å"pattern† due to the fact form means to follow regularity. The construct of â€Å"spatial configuration† means the unity of a relationship with any of the relationship depends on the relationships of all other relevant. Here showing a formal but simple definition: for two infinites, if we define the spacial relationship of any sort of connexion between them, such as next or exchange, the relationship between them will alter depend on the manner of any one or both of these two infinites linking with the 3rd infinite. Wherein the constellation is present ( p.14 ) . In the book, Hillier aimed to suggest a new design method, which the constellation is the nucleus construct. It insists that architecture design or urban planning is a procedure with constellation, which means the local alteration promote the overall alteration. Even if merely rely on the cognition of constellation can back up the design. Hillier recalled the infinite sentence structure theory and methodological analysis of some of import new accomplishments in the preamble. These consequences make a more solid and effectual theoretical foundation for infinite sentence structure.Space as a thing in itselfSpace is an nonsubjective property of houses, which can be independently described as material things. However, in architecture, it is rare to depict infinite wholly independent, such as â€Å"enclosed space† is to depict the infinite trusting on the physical signifier instead than to specify infinite as a unrestrained signifier. Roger Scruton see the construct of infinite is a consequence of an chesty architect’s systematic mistake. In the position of Scuton, infinite is non a thing in itself, but simply the antonym of physical entities, that is, the staying of the houses. The infinite of the Fieldss and interior infinite within the church seem no difference except the ornament of the church. Hillier made an illation about the beginnings of Scruton: Descartes thought that the first property of material objects is their â€Å"extension† , which are the properties can be measured, such as length, tallness and breadth. All of these do non trust on worlds. And the 2nd property is, to some extent, dependant on the subjective feeling of worlds, such as â€Å"green† or â€Å"good† . Widening to the construct of infinite, taking the objects from the infinite it occupies, the extension still exist. And this is an property of infinite. Therefore, infinite can be summarized as an extension without object. So when we remove the object from the infinite it occupies, we do non believe that the extension of the infinite has besides been removed. In this position, infinite is matching to the physical properties being defined so it becomes a mensurable belongings of material objects. Hillier believes that one time look upon the infinite from this position, you can non understand how it works in the infinite of human events. From the position of civilization and society, infinite is non merely a impersonal model of societal and cultural concept, but to the full integrated into the societal and cultural signifiers. Human behaviour is non easy occur in the infinite, but has its ain spacial forms. In the subdivision of â€Å"space as configuration† , the relationship between infinite and society does non be on the degree of a individual infinite or the person ‘s activities, but in the constellation of human and infinite. From this subdivision, the layout of spacial relationships is converted into J-diagram ( Figure accommodation ) to make analysis ( p. 11 ) . The demand for an analytic theory of architectureArchitectural theory is to utilize the constructs, words and Numberss to depict the unexpressible intuition, seeking to uncover one or a few unexpressible regulations. Possibly we can state that architectural theory is seeking to make a â€Å"inexpressible technology† , which we can manage those unexpressible signifiers, figuration and spacial forms. At least in some facets, architectural theory describes and steer the design. So in the footings of design, we can state architectural theory is an effort to command edifice design. The architectural theory discussed more in standardized in the yesteryear. They are deficiency of analysis. This is because those unexpressible engineerings merely depict a certain type of figuration. P36 After tonss of treatment about construct of â€Å"rule† and â€Å"theory† , the first measure of seting frontward the theory is the standardization of construct. And so get down to construct our â€Å"inexpressible technology† . The method Hillier used is turning the existent infinite into abstract infinite, to acquire a clear apprehension of these features. Using abstract co-ordinate system replace the infinite with object. In this system, the axis represent the belongingss which can be ruled. P38 With this co-ordinate system, change overing the belongingss of object into coordinate infinite and turn uping the object by utilizing a series of points. So the regularity of the belongings was revealed. This is a basic recording method, which can enter the similarities, differences and relationship between objects in an nonsubjective and independent manner. However, it should be noticed that what we have seen is non the theory. It is the procedure theoretical accounts produce those regulations. In the book, many of the constructs are divided into two different dimension of belongingss by â€Å"dichotomy† , such as the scientific and artistic of the architecture ( p.31 ) . For illustration, architecture is defined as a object and a activity at the same clip ( p.5 ) . And the most of import conceptual differentiation is the standardisation and analytic of architectural theory. Architectural theory by and large appears in normative manner. However, on a deeper degree, it is no less than scientific theories about analytic. Architectural theory is non and can non be a simple regulation. At least, it is a composite of analytic and normative. If the analysis of the theory is incorrect, so the design will non be successful. Architectural theory Tells us how the universe should be like, but we foremost have to cognize what sort of universe it is. ( p.29 ) Why architectural theory should utilize in this alone signifier? The reply lies in the kernel of the work of designers. To be more specific, it is the design. The kernel of design is an activity. It raises all sorts of issues, and architectural theoretician using theory in the signifier of analysis and normative and propose solutions to these jobs. The kernel of the procedure of design is create and anticipation. Theories are used to back up the procedure of create and the analysis of calculating procedure. R. A. Scruton, A Short History of Modern Philosophy: from Descartes to Wittgenstein, ARK Paperbacks,1984.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Life of a Young Girl in The House on Mango Street - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2608 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The House on Mango Street Essay Did you like this example? The House on Mango Street is a piece written by Sandra Cisneros, an American of Mexican Heritage. It was published in 1984 and details a year in the life of a young girl, Esperanza Cordero, who moves to Mango Street, a Mexican enclave of Chicago, at the age of twelve. The story deals with relationships, family, neighborhood and the aspirations of the main character to own her own house. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Life of a Young Girl in The House on Mango Street" essay for you Create order The house that she and her family move into is the very first house they have owned, but Esperanza is disappointed with its dilapidated state and longs to own her own house. The House on Mango Street is a coming of age novel that explores the challenges of being different and the drive to carve out a place for yourself in the world as a young Latino woman. Esperanza and her family, comprised of her father, mother, her younger sister, and two younger brothers moved to a house on Mango Street. It is the first house that they own as a family, and is located in an impoverished section of Chicago, Illinois. The family has lived in many different places, and Esperanza ponders on how much they have moved around throughout the years. Although she is glad that they own a house, she is disappointed by it because it is not what she expected, even though it is a significant improvement from their previous residence. On moving to Mango Street, Esperanza makes new friends, among them Rachael and Lucy, who live along the same street. She, alongside her sister and her newfound friends, explore the neighborhood and have many adventures in the process. On the verge of adolescence, the girls feel sexually vulnerable at times, such as when they stroll around their neighborhood in high heeled shoes. (Burcar, High heels as a disciplinary practice of femininity in Sandra Cisnerosrs The House on Mango Street 9). Esperanza experiences this sexual vulnerability first-hand when she is kissed by a much older man at her first job. In The First Job Esperanza talks about how she is taken advantage of by her boss at work, I thought that I would because he was so old and just as I was about to put lips on his cheek, he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth and doesnt let go. (Cisneros 55). Esperanza doesnt speak of this again, but her adolescence is tainted by it. Esperanza describes one of her friends who influences her in more ways than she knows when it comes to understanding her sexuality. Esperanza goes on to describe all the things that Marin teaches her, She is the one who told us how Daveyrs the Babyrs sister got pregnant and what cream is best for taking off moustache hair and if you count the white flecks on your fingernails you can know how many boys (Cisneros 27). Marin is viewed as someone who is lives a fun rebelious lifestyle, and Esperanza looks up to her sup erior knowledge of womanhood. Ultimately her beliefs and her perception of people are changed. For the first half of the year, the girls are still firmly rooted in childhood and are more than excited to make the very most of their youth. They play games such as skipping rope and ride their shared bicycle around the neighborhood, as well as explore the local junk shop. Esperanza goes to school but feels outcasted there because she is embarrassed by her uncommon name and ashamed because her family is poor. Esparanza has trouble fitting in at school and at home, but she continues to grow up and find her way of fitting in. However, over the summer, Esperanza slowly loses her childhood to puberty. Physically, sexually and emotionally she matures significantly (Cruz 916). For the first time, she is excited boys begin watching her dance and takes great pleasure in fantasizing about them. Her hips grow, and she experiences her first crush. During this period, she is sexually assaulted and starts to write in a bid to escape the neighborhood and as a means of self-expression. She only shares the poems she pens with the trusted, mature women in her life. Her bond and affinity for the adults are strengthened when her grandfather and aunt passed away, and she starts to pay close attention to the women along Mango Street. She realizes that they are more stuck in their houses and situations than she is. Esperanza explains that she is named after her grandmother, a headstrong woman who refused to be married until her great-grandfather literally kidnapped her and married her forcefully. After that, her grandmother spent her days gazing sadly out of a window. She and her grandmother were born in the Chinese year of the horse, which is supposed to be unlucky for women. Esperanza refuses to believe this and states that she thinks the story of the name is a lie made up by men who are uncomfortable with strong women. She worries that she will inherit both her great-grandmotherrs name and sorrow. She fears that she will be stuck, just like her great-grandmother and the women on Mango Street. At the start of the school year, Esperanza becomes friends with a girl named Sally, who is more sexually mature and experienced than Esperanza. Sally is abused by her father and uses boys as an escape mechanism, and this makes Esperanza uncomfortable. Their friendship results in Esperanza being sexually assaulted by some boys when Sally leaves her alone. This incidence, along with the lives of the women Esperanza befriends on her street, reinforces Esperanzars desire to move away from Mango Street and to live a more fulfilling life. When, however, she is strong enough emotionally to leave, Esperanza is unable to do so fully, and she realizes that she will never be able to detach herself completely because she feels the need to help the women of Mango Street. By the end of the year, she has matured tremendously, and her desire to relocate is even stronger. She uses writing to escape emotionally from Mango Street with all its challenges and appreciates that writing will eventually help her to escape physically as well in the future. The House on Mango Street is a study in contrasts. Although it is a continuous story, it is broken down into vignettes that are part of the whole but can be read on their own. This is a representation of the characters in the novel, who lead separate lives yet come together to weave the story in the book. The vignettes are of varying lengths, indicative of the different kinds of impact the different characters have on Esperanza (Sun 2370). The vignettes differing lengths is also mirrored by the way Esperanza tells her story, in disjointed, broken sentences. The different lengths give the narration a choppy feel, which reflects perfectly Esperanzars life, which is far from smooth and even-keeled. Through the narration, one gets a glimpse of a Mexican womanrs life, which appears oppressed and full of longing. This is brought out in Marinrs life, who is confined to the compound and has to sneak out of the house to be herself, through dancing under the street lights. It is seen in Esperanzars great-grandmother, who is kidnapped and forced into marriage, and spends the rest of her life wallowing in her misery. Esperanzars great-grandmother gives the impression of being a prisoner of circumstances, an impression reinforced by the fact that she was forced into marriage, and hence into the life she lived. This confinement is seen in Esperanzars wanting to get a house of her own, quiet and clean as an unmarked paper. This could be interpreted as Esperanza wanting to make a clean break from her current life and start fresh, unburdened by her past or aspects of her current life (Cruz 930). Esperanzars desire to escape her life is seen in her desire to write her own story, a desire to almost rewrite her history. Her community places a certain expectation on women, and she feels the need to break free of these expectations. She also wants to run away from the poverty of her neighborhood and the oppressive expectations and living conditions of the society. Women in her locality have limited options, and their only major recourse seems to be marriage, and Esperanza is keen to broaden her prospects, hence her desire to escape. Marin personifies the drive to pursue oners happiness regardless of oners circumstances. She models for Esperanza the fact that no one is stuck to particular circumstances and it is a personrs responsibility to pursue his or her dreams and happiness. This is particularly emotional when contrasted with the women on Mango Street whose lives seem to be stuck beyond a certain level. It answers Esperanzars motherrs statement where she declares sadly, that she could have been somebody. Through glimpses into the lives of Esperanzars neighbors, we get to see a full picture of what life is on Mango Street and the ramifications of the different decisions made by certain characters. Through the actions taken by the other older women and the consequences of those actions, Esperanza is presented with many paths to choose from, with the consequences played out in front for her. In a way, the lives of the older women act as a roadmap for her. Another key theme in this book is choice. In Mango Street, people make different choices and bear the consequences. Characters who resign themselves to their circumstances are pictured as stuck and unhappy, while others, such as Marin, work hard to grasp at shreds of happiness and strive to make their desired life a reality at any cost. Although negative things do happen, such as Sally being abused by her father, ultimately, everybody has some sort of choice in how he or she responds to the circumstances. This concept is mainly brought out in Esperanzars desire to move out of the neighborhood and her belief that writing may be her ticket out of Mango Street Another theme is the pursuit of self-identity, which influences everything that Esperanza does. She defines herself as a writer as well as a woman, although her perception of both changes as the novel progresses. At first, Esperanza wants to change her name to something that is less difficult to pronounce, and that would tie her to her family, and acquire another one she feels defines whom she thinks she is. She wants to move to her own house where she can forge her own identity (Burcar , Fluminensia: Journal for Philological Research 121). After she becomes sexually aware, Esperanza wants to be beautiful, so as to be attractive, but cruel enough that men will not try to hurt her. To this end, she becomes friends with Sally, who is more sexually experienced. However, after her sexual assault, she no longer wants to be cruel and beautiful and is unsure of how to define herself as a strong woman. Eventually, Esperanza stops trying to separate herself from her family, heritage, and neighborhood by acquiring a new name and accepts her position in the community. She no longer forces herself to develop sexually when she is not ready and chooses to define herself regarding her writing. Esperanza learns that the important thing is not how others see you or define you externally, but how you view and define yourself on the inside. On Mango Street, gender roles are entrenched, and men have no issues with beating up their wives and daughters or confining them to the house. Being a female is enough to justify beatings and rape, as in Esperanzars case at the carnival. Esperanza fights this stereotype by rejecting gender roles, refusing marriage and by not acting like a powerless female, as expected by her community. By rejecting stereotypes, Esperanza reclaims her freedom and gains a sense of power. Friendship runs course throughout the book. Esperanza feels isolated and strives to address this by seeking out friendships. She has many types of friendships, those of her peers and older women. As she matures, so does the depth and intensity of her friendships. At first, friendship entails sharing a bike and playing together and blossoms into something that depends upon much more substance and shared values. Esperanza feels that women are isolated and should, therefore, be responsible to look out for each other. Femininity is a major part of The House on Mango Street, and Esperanza strives to understand it, especially with her dawning adolescence. She notices that beauty is the basis of feminine power and envies the beauty of the women close to her. However, she realizes that beauty is not a guaranteed source of power. She strives to gain power that is more enduring, and which grants her freedom hence her interest in writing. Sandra Cisneros uses simple but poetic language to communicate, and this gives The House on Mango Street an interesting tone. She includes Spanish phrases that give the narrative authenticity and color. The break from proper grammar and the use of slang adds to its authenticity and immediacy and draws the reader in as though he or she is part of the story. Although the story is told in the voice of a young girl, it is convincing and believable because of the language used and the details provided. Sandra Cisneros grabs the readerrs interest by wandering from one subject to another and introducing a bunch of different characters briefly. The reader is drawn into the story because it feels so light and immediate. This seeming randomness explores different themes such as identity, loss, escape love, friendship, and roles without seeming to. Her style addresses taboo subjects such as violence and sexual assault matter-of-factly yet sensitively, without making the subject a victim or a statistic. She explores sexual inequality and oppression without apportioning blame. In short, through her writing, the reader feels as though they are looking into peoplers houses and glimpsing bits and pieces of their lives. This makes The House on Mango Street feel more real and authentic to the person reading. The House on Mango Street is a narrative that addresses culture. It points out the challenges that Chicanos face and the derogatory stereotypes they encounter and perpetuate. The writer uses language as a metaphor for the divide that exists between Mexican Americans and the rest of the country. Language and culture play a part in segregating Chicanos but what keeps them isolated is mainly racism and poverty, which ultimately brings shame. Therefore, the isolation is brought on them by people of other cultures and by the Chicanos themselves. The House on Mango Street strives to capture the sense of being different experienced by people when they move from their original home. It brings out the challenges faced by women especially, more so young girls, who may not feel that they are good enough. It captures perfectly the challenges immigrants face because of being poor, different and from a different culture (Sun 2370). The book strives to show that being different need not be a source of embarrassment. Rather, it can be a source of celebration and pride. The House on Mango Street is a call to embrace oneself fully regardless of oners current circumstances. It explores the challenges that come with being different and the consequences of letting fate run its course. It explores the challenges young girls face when they are coming of age, and addresses the choices they make and the likely consequences of those choices. The narrative also points out that circumstances are not set in stone and can be changed if one is ready and willing to do everything it takes.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Annotated Bibliography On Global Mobility Of Latin America...

A Guide to Global Mobility in Latin America and the United States Introduction For multinational organizations the global movement of employees is essential, but companies today are faced with a maze of legal issues to consider. The following article provides a regional overview of current trends, key government agencies, and visas for business travel, training and employment assignments for the United States and certain countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. Immigration laws differ from country to country. Although the specific names for the visas and the requirements differ, there are common patterns and trends - especially for countries balancing the interest of engaging in global commerce against protecting local labor markets and national security. Treaties and bi-lateral agreements often give special privileges to citizens from specific countries (e.g., benefits for citizens of Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement). Be careful not to overlook these sometimes hidden gems when considering alternative visa strategies. Current Trends It invariably takes longer than expected to secure all of the authorizations required before an employee can travel abroad for business. The best laid plans go often awry. Sometimes short-term business travel may seem like the only way to meet an immediate need. But the visas that are quickly available for such trips generallyShow MoreRelatedA Critical Review of â€Å"the Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America† by Tamir Bar-on.14147 Words   |  57 PagesA Critical Review of â€Å"The Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America† by Tamir Bar-On. Introduction: In Latin America, soccer is not a game; it is a way of life. It is mixed in with politics and nationalism. It defines social classes. How politically influential is soccer in Latin America? It is used by â€Å"various Latin American socio-economic elites in order to retard the acceleration of working class and popular discontent† (Bar-On 1997:1.8). Is itRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 PagesFrance Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York ß Oxford University Press 2006 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may